Bring the Great Outdoors to Your Ulster County, NY Backyard With The Following Materials From Our Landscape Supply

Bring the Great Outdoors to Your Ulster County, NY Backyard With The Following Materials From Our Landscape Supply

If your idea of paradise is a carefree landscape filled with natural materials, you’re not alone. Science is proving what we have always intuitively known: that Nature is good for us and it’s vital for our wellbeing! You can bring the great outdoors to your Ulster County, NY, backyard with the following materials from our landscape supply. There’s no better place than your own backyard to create a natural oasis where you can unplug from your worries.



Natural stone is the “foundation” for a great landscape. Use natural stone on virtually any masonry feature to integrate it into its surroundings. Each individual stone brings a unique character that can’t be matched by any man made material and when you put varied stones together you’ll see that even stones from the same quarry have an incredible depth of interest.

A stone patio won’t look like anyone else’s stone patio. An outdoor fireplace faced with natural stone will make it look like it’s been there forever. Outdoor kitchen walls, water features, pillars and retaining walls - whether made solely from natural stone or faced with it - will likewise help integrate your home into the landscape.

A Waterfall and Pond

Water brings tranquility and interest to a landscape. You can create a naturalistic pond by surrounding it with river rock and boulders and adding native plants. A waterfall will add acoustic and visual interest to your pond (and help keep it aerated). Waterfalls can be made to run over rounded rocks or ledge rocks. There’s no right or wrong approach (you can use both water-worn rock as well as more chiseled ledges) because the choice and placement will give it different acoustic properties. You’ll get a softer “babbling brook” effect using rounded rocks, and a stronger “waterfall” sound when water falls onto a horizontal surface.

A Small Fountain

If you don’t have the space or just don’t want something as big as a pond and waterfall, you can use smaller rocks to create a one-of-a-kind fountain that’s just right for adding flair to your front entry, or to liven up an unused corner of the backyard.

Natural Walkways

Human feet are happy feet when they’re barefoot and walking on natural surfaces (as opposed to asphalt or concrete). Any backyard walkway can be made barefoot-friendly by using rounded pebbles interspersed with smooth, flat stepping stones; or if you don’t want any pebbles migrating into the grass, opt for stepping stones separated by lush grass or groundcovers.

Stone Accents

Use crushed stone instead of bark mulch as a long-lasting way to protect plants while highlighting their natural beauty. Rounded stones placed at the base of a tree will turn a tree into a focal point and discourage weed growth under trees where it’s too dark for grass to grow. Large boulders invite kids of all ages to climb and play, and a stone slab bench - especially if placed on a north-facing side of the home - will develop a gorgeous patina of lichen over time, adding a sense of history to your home.

Native Plants

Wherever possible, choose native plants instead of exotics. They are hardy, perfectly adapted to the environment, non-invasive, and just as beautiful as any exotics! Consult our nursery experts for a selection of native plants that will enhance your backyard with year-round color and interest. Your local wildlife and pollinators will thank you! We have a wide selection of native plants that will make your backyard feel like a natural paradise. 



E. P. Jansen Nursery began with an inspired vision only a family-run company can design. After purchasing her father's home and five acres of land in 1972, Elizabeth and Jan Jansen transformed the land into a community-focused, pick-your-own-strawberries, gladiolus, and chrysanthemum farm. Over ten-thousand chrysanthemums grew throughout the five acres during those early years. But as Jan and Elizabeth adapted and grew their vision, they also began to look ahead, expanding their business plan by breaking up their expansive flower offerings into separate products, and thus allowing the growth of an extensive, diverse nursery. After over 45 years, this family-focused company has grown to become the premier hardscape and plant supplier in the region. The sprawling farm now offers high-quality nursery stock curated from around the world as well as a comprehensive selection of natural stone, wall systems, pavers, blue stone, granite, and a wide variety of tools and bulk support materials.